The Journal of Poultry Science
Online ISSN : 1349-0486
Print ISSN : 1346-7395
ISSN-L : 1346-7395

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Verification of the Effectiveness of an SNP Marker in the Cholecystokinin Type A Receptor Gene for Improving Growth Traits in Okumino-kojidori Chickens
Sumiyo IshikawaMiho AsanoKiyoshi SakaiHideaki Takahashi
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JOURNAL FREE ACCESS Advance online publication

Article ID: 0190078


A significant association was reported between a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP; AB604331, g. 420 C > A) in the cholecystokinin type A receptor gene and growth traits in some Japanese slow-growing chickens. Demonstration tests of the genetic improvement effect by comparing the superior allele-A fixed chickens with conventional ones were carried out considering the effect of different seasons on growth traits in other slow-growing chickens. Meat-type Okumino-kojidori chickens from Gifu Prefecture are a three-way cross of Gifu-jidori improved, White Plymouth Rock, and Rhode Island Red breeds. We used a total of 468 meat-type Okumino-kojidori: 264 individuals from a private hatchery as conventional chickens and 204 A-allele fixed individuals from the Gifu Prefectural Livestock Research Institute as improved chickens. We performed fattening experiments over two seasons: summer and winter. In each season, experimental birds of both sexes were hatched on the same day, raised in the same chicken house, and fed the same diet ad libitum for 12 weeks. Body weight was recorded at 3, 6, 9, and 12 weeks of age. SNP genotypes were determined using the mismatch amplification mutation assay. Association between the SNP and growth traits was analyzed using generalized linear models built on sex-based, seasonal, additive, and dominance genetic effects. The observed AA, AC, and CC genotype frequencies in the conventional chickens were 0.158, 0.479, and 0.363, respectively; body weight at 12 weeks and average daily gain from 3 to 12 weeks was superior for the A allele compared to the C allele. The improved chickens were heavier than the conventional ones at 12 weeks. Body weight at 12 weeks in allele-A fixed chickens increased by 3.2% compared to the conventional chickens. We concluded that g. 420 C > A is a good selective marker that increases slaughter weight in the meat-type Okumino-kojidori chickens.

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© 2019 by Japan Poultry Science Association

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