Journal of Reproduction and Development
Online ISSN : 1348-4400
Print ISSN : 0916-8818
ISSN-L : 0916-8818


Relationship Between the Peripheral Concentrations of Estradiol-17β (E 2) and Preovulatory Characteristics of Cumulus-oocyte Complexes (COCs) During Superovulation Treatment in Japanese Black Cows
ジャーナル フリー 早期公開

論文ID: 09-155T


The relationship between the peripheral concentrations of estradiol-17β (E2) and the preovulatory characteristics of cumulus oocyte complexes (COCs) during superovulation treatment was investigated in Japanese Black cows. A superovulation regimen with FSH treatment in a descending manner was commenced on day 7 (n=3) or day 10 (n=2) of the estrous cycle (day 0=estrus). Peripheral blood was collected to measure E2 concentrations twice a day throughout the treatment. Ovariectomies were performed at 100 h after the initial FSH treatment in five cows. Every follicle more than 8 mm in diameter was isolated from the ovaries, and cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs) were gently aspirated. The COCs were then separated into three groups based on the characteristics of the cumulus (compact, expanded and denuded) and subgrouped based on the stage of the nucleus in the oocytes (GV, GVBD). Plasma E2 concentrations tended to increase gradually and reached the peak level at around 84 h (E2-84: n=3) or 96 h (E2-96: n=2) after the initial FSH treatment. The ratio of COCs with expanded cumulus was significantly higher in E2-84 than in E2-96 (P<0.01). However, there was no difference in the ratio of oocytes showing GVBD between E2-84 and E2-96 (P=0.73), and the characteristics of the cumulus did not affect the stage of the nucleus in the oocytes in either groups (compact, expanded and nude; P=0.61, 0.81 and 1.00). It was possible that the time until the peak plasma E2 concentrations after the FSH treatment could become an indicator for the maturation of follicles and oocytes in preovulatory follicles during superovulation treatment in Japanese Black cows.

© 2010 Society for Reproduction and Development

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