Online ISSN : 2434-9127
Print ISSN : 0285-0990
青木 宏樹出村 慎一高橋 繁浩中田 征克松田 繁樹北林 保
ジャーナル オープンアクセス

2009 年 55 巻 2 号 p. 184-190


 This study aimed to clarify the effect of competitive swimming experience on floating toes and arch formation, as well as their right/left differences, in young male adults. The subjects were 100 healthy male competitive swimmers (mean age 20.1±1.3 yr, mean height 172.7±5.0cm,mean mass 67.6±6.9kg, BMI22.6±2.1) and 100 healthy young males without competitive swimming experience (controls) (mean age 20.9±2.1 yr, mean height 169.8±5.8cm, mean mass 63.2±9.1kg, BMI21.9±3.0). The ratio of subjects with floating toes was significantly higher in the competitive swimmer group than in the control group (42.0% vs 36.0%) and there was no right/left difference. The smallest width of the central part of the sole was significantly larger in the competitive swimmer group. In addition,a significant right and left difference was found in the foot angle (angle made by the medial and the outside lines).  In conclusion, a right and left difference was found in the foot angle regardless of competitive swimming experience, but competitive swimming may produce more floating toes and arch formation.

2009 日本教育医学会
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