2022 年 24 巻 1 号 p. 21-28
OBJECTIVE:The purpose of this study was to investigate the citizensʼ running race events relate to inspire starting exercises and increasing the amount of exercise in people without exercise habits and to maintain exercise habits. METHODS:Survey participants were 1,030 (627 men and 403 women) with regular exercise habits from adult people registered as research monitors with an internet research company(Survey ended when 1,030 participants were reached). This survey was carried out in November, 2020.We conducted on internet questionnaire survey to find out about the people who were inspired the citizensʼ running race events to start exercising and contributed these events to maintaining exercise habits. RESULTS:There were 260 people (25.2%) with the experience that participated in the citizensʼ running race events. Twenty-three people (2.2%) answered that the citizensʼ running race events contribute to inspiring to start exercising. Two-hundred six people (20.0%) of all subjects and 168 out of 260 people (64.6%) who have participated in citizensʼ running race events answered that the citizensʼ running race events are contributing to maintaining exercise habits. CONCLUSION:Citizensʼ running race events may relate to inspire starting exercises and increasing the amount of exercise in 2.2% people without exercise habits and maintain exercise habits in 20.0% people with exercise habits.