Online ISSN : 1881-1639
Print ISSN : 0288-6200
ISSN-L : 0288-6200
Pheophorbide-Aによる胃癌培養細胞に対するNd-YAG Laser-PDTの基礎的検討
門脇 徹中澤 慶彦森田 雅範西岡 隆見高橋 佳伸宮田 彰北島 裕慎松本 浩利山崎 一明西森 功佐野 修一壽美 貴守鍵山 惣一田村 智坂本 芳也中田 博文岡崎 和一山本 泰朗山本 泰猛
ジャーナル フリー

1989 年 10 巻 3 号 p. 249-252


The capacity of pheophorbide-a (PpA) as a photosensitizing agent for photodynamic therapy of cancer was evaluated in vitro by human gastric cancer cells.
When the concentration of PpA in culture medium was 10, 100, 250μg/ml, intracellular concentration of PpA was 36.5, 153.5, 157.5μg/ml respectively.
Under the exposure of lamp (20 Watt, distance 40cm) for two hours, the optical density of MTT assay for cancer cells with a PpA concentration of 250μg/ml decreased to 8.1% against PpA free cells. In the dark room, it remained within 86.8% suggesting that PpA was very sensitive to light. Photodynamic therapy by administration of dye (100-250μg/ml) and Nd-YAG laser light irradiation with Q switch (1064nm, 200pps, mean power 1.5 Watt, duration 1, 3, 5min) after 2 hours incubation brought about a significant cell death. Lipid peroxide levels were elevated as increasing of laser irradiation time or the concentration of PpA.

© 特定非営利活動法人 日本レーザー医学会
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