Dynamics & Design Conference
Online ISSN : 2424-2993
セッションID: 510
510 新幹線営業線データに基づくトロリ線摩耗予測モデル(車両の境界問題,モビリティへの応用,OS-19 マルチボディダイナミクス,総合テーマ「伝統を,未来へ!」)
臼田 隆之池田 充山下 義隆赤木 雅陽山下 主税久水 泰司
会議録・要旨集 フリー


Although wear of contact wire has been one of the most serious problems in catenary system maintenance, wear mechanism of contact wire is not yet clear due to its complexity. The authors identified quantitative effect of a contact force of pantographs and an arc due to contact loss on the contact wire wear from the measurement data on commercial lines. Using this model, the wear of contact wire in the Shinkansen commercial line can be predicted. The predicted contact wire wear by this model agrees well with the measurement data. The prediction model of the contact wire wear can be utilized for the efficient maintenance of the overhead catenary system.

© 2010 一般社団法人 日本機械学会
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