Dynamics & Design Conference
Online ISSN : 2424-2993
セッションID: 451
451 柔軟液体ダンパの減衰メカニズムとその適用性に関する研究
川畑 真一中村 友道
会議録・要旨集 フリー


"Flexible Liquid Damper" is a new concept of a vibration control device. This damper is simple, but the damping mechanism underlying its great damping capacity has not been clarified. It is conducted to analyze the mechanism with the general-purpose computational tool "ANSYS", by creating an analytical model of the damper to simulate the test results. From the results, the damper model shows similar damping effect of the experiment, and damping effect is influenced by the damper motion. However, the liquid filling in the ball does not move with its own specific motion, and the natural frequency of the damper is regarded dominant to the damping mechanism. As the result, the damper has two natural frequencies on its upper part and the lower part. Also, a peak of the damping ratio matches to the natural frequency of the analytical model. Finally, the flexible liquid damper is modelled as a 3-DOF model, and it confirms the flexible liquid damper is a kind of dynamic absorbers.

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