Online ISSN : 2424-3078
セッションID: 2107
2107 複雑なプラントの機能モデリングに基づく設計およびモジュール化の支援システム(C0-1 D&Sコンテスト,DC0 D&Sコンテスト口頭発表)
古賀 毅後藤 典彦青山 和浩
会議録・要旨集 フリー


Because the plant is a complex system, modularization of its design is an effective strategy to reduce the complexity. Modularization divides the development of the complex plant into the development of individual modules through the determination and standardization of inputs and outputs. Modular development allows modular-level design evaluation, performance optimization, and a guarantee of module quality. System development can then be divided among the individual modules that are used in combination. A change in the division lines between the modules has a large impact on the quality and package density of the module as well as on the inputs and outputs of the modules. These impacts make the modular division problem not only important to solve but also difficult to solve. This paper proposes a computer algorithm and division system to address the modular division problem of the complex plant system. The algorithm enables the designer to achieve high functional independence between modules, and to reduce the complexity of the entire plant system. In order to realize the modularization method, this paper addresses the following three methodologies for a formalization of the modular division problem: (1) a network representation model of the system diagram, (2) a description method of the propulsion system as a superimposed network of system diagrams, and (3) a division and evaluation method of the superimposed network as a modularization of the plant system. A prototype system is implemented on the basis of the formalized modular division method and is applied to the design example of the modularization of the plant system. The design result shows modular division plans that have high functional independence and are easy to combine with each other.

© 2009 一般社団法人 日本機械学会
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