Online ISSN : 2424-2691
ISSN-L : 2424-2691
セッションID: 21008
21008 超音波流速分布計を用いた円管流路内高精度流量計測(センサー・超音波,OS.12 流体計測技術の新展開,学術講演)
浜田 翔臼井 健介木倉 宏成有冨 正憲手塚 健一森 治嗣
会議録・要旨集 フリー


A multi-beam ultrasonic pulse Doppler method (UDM) has been developed for a new type of flow metering system. Our final purpose is to combine this method with conventional time-of-flight ultrasonic flow meter (TOF) as a hybrid ultrasonic flow metering system for an accurate flow rate measurement of reactor feed water or recirculation water in nuclear power plants. The ultrasonic pulse Doppler method has the capability to obtain instantaneous velocity profiles along an ultrasonic beam. In order to measure flow rate with conventional flow meter, flow must be fully developed and stable, therefore a long straight pipe is necessary upstream of measurement point. In actual industrial plants, however, it is difficult to secure long straight line. The principle of the UDM flow metering system is based on the integration of an instantaneous velocity profile over a pipe diameter. Hence, the multi-beam system is expected to eliminate installation problems such as entry length, and also to follow transmit flow rate precisely by increasing the number of ultrasonic transducers.

© 2008 一般社団法人 日本機械学会
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