Online ISSN : 2424-2667
ISSN-L : 2424-2667
セッションID: J1610107
J1610107 多重反射除去によるGPR観測画像の強調([J161]メカニカルデバイス・システムの知能化)
成田 卓己野村 由司彦須藤 佳一
会議録・要旨集 フリー


Ground-penetrating-radars (GPRs) are used to survey underground f buried objects. In cases of multiple objects are buried at a nearby site in different depths, secondary reflections caused by the upper object are deteriorate B-scope images, and sometimes make us difficult to recognize the lower object occluded from the upper object: the secondary reflections are created from a process in which a pulse wave is emitted from a transmitter, travels via the upper object, the ground surface, upper object again, and arrives at a receiver. In this paper, the authors proposed a method of removing the secondary reflection. The method comprised of two stages: (1) modellings of the secondary reflection, (2) removal of a model-synthesized secondary reflection images from the raw B-scope images. Three kinds of models were introduced: the first model was representing the secondary reflection path length, the second, an intensity attenuation, and the third, a wavelength expansion. The effectiveness of the proposed method was confirmed through a laboratory experiment: two pipes were are buried at a nearby site in different depths, and the secondary reflection from an upper pipe interfered with the first reflection from the occluded lower pipe.

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