Online ISSN : 2424-3019
セッションID: 101
101 荷物の持ち上げ動作におけるロバスト性の評価
劉 古寧神谷 好承関 啓明疋津 正利
会議録・要旨集 フリー


In this paper, based on the method of the RDK method (Repeatedly Direct Kinematics) [1], an optimal algorithm is proposed to apply on implementing weightlifting motion for a robot with multiple joints. According to the proposed algorithm, the optimal motion was generated to minimize load on joints during the lifting motion and subject to basic geometrical and kinematical constraints. To realize the task above, the following two items must be required. First, when the object is lifted up slowly, the robot could stand up as easily as possible and does not tumble down. Second, to reduce the damage to the robot, the load applied on each joint should be as small as possible. Some simulations are presented to evaluate the effect of the algorithm for the weightlifting motion. Next, the robust stability of the system is analyzed to illuminate the influences on the robot from some external factors.

© 2010 一般社団法人 日本機械学会
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