動力・エネルギー技術の最前線講演論文集 : シンポジウム
Online ISSN : 2424-2950
セッションID: F210
F210 高速炉蒸気発生器水側熱流動解析手法の開発(FBR(1),OS-8 軽水炉・新型炉・核燃料サイクル(3),一般講演,地球温暖化防止と動力エネルギー技術)
吉川 龍志浜田 広次大島 宏之柳沢 秀樹
会議録・要旨集 フリー


In Japan Atomic Energy Agency, investigations on heat transfer characteristics of steam generator are being performed for the development of Sodium-cooled Fast Breeder Reactor. In this study, the computer code for flow instability analysis in single heat transfer tube was developed with drift-flux model which included the effects of subcooled boiling and two phase slip. The special algorithm to calculate inlet flow rate with inlet pressure, outlet pressure and heat flux as boundary conditions for the density-wave instability analysis has been established. The subcooled model was verified by calculating the void fraction distribution of steady heat transfer flow. The capability of drift flux model for simulating density-wave instability in single tube was confirmed.

© 2008 一般社団法人 日本機械学会
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