Online ISSN : 2424-3124
セッションID: 2A2-M01
2A2-M01 全方向移動可能なダイレクトモーターカーの動作原理の解析(特殊移動ロボット)
一圓 健太郎白井 達也打田 正樹
会議録・要旨集 フリー


R-DMC is a one of mobile robots, and the robot is driven by 12 motors arranged on circumference. It is a most significant characteristics of structure of the robot that the robot has no tires and no reduction gears. The basic principle of moving mechanism of the robot is that the robot is driven by frictional force based upon sliding contact between end point of motor shaft and surface of ground. This robot is able to move easily towards 12 directions straightly and rotate around the center of robot. R-DMC has highly mobile performance, however it is not so easy to obtain suitable target values for each motors to satisfy desired motion of the robot. We had developed a autonomous R-DMC which equipped with control system and battery inside of the robot. In this study we had shown the experimental results of behavior of the robot, and considered relationship between motion of the robot and angular velocity of motors.

© 2011 一般社団法人 日本機械学会
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