Online ISSN : 2424-3175
セッションID: 3102

*相田 健一郎秋山 裕喜中嶋 大智田中 隆之瀧上 唯夫富岡 隆弘宮本 岳史西山 幸夫今岡 憲彦
会議録・要旨集 フリー


Vertical vibrations in railway vehicles are not only induced by vertical track irregularity but also affected by the rotation of wheelsets with small mass imbalance. It is known that the excitation force generated by the rotation of imbalanced wheelsets is transmitted from the bogie to the carbody through longitudinal connecting members such as traction devices and yaw dampers. In this research, we firstly investigated the influence of yaw dampers on the vertical carbody vibration induced by the rotation of imbalanced wheelsets. Vibration measurement tests were performed on the rolling stock testing plant at RTRI using a test vehicle with/without yaw dampers. In cases where there is no yaw damper, the vertical vibration of the carbody was lower than where yaw dampers are equipped. This result indicates that the transmissibility of vibration from the bogie to the carbody through yaw dampers should be reduced. In order to suppress this vibration transmission, we have devised a new mounting structure of yaw dampers and installed it actually in the test vehicle. The new mounting structure of yaw dampers has a moving beam with a linear guide and a restoring spring. The moving beam and yaw damper bracket can be moved in the longitudinal direction to the carbody. This paper reports the results of vibration measurement test conducted by applying the new mounting structure of yaw dampers. As a result, it was confirmed that the longitudinal and vertical carbody vibrations related to the rotation of imbalanced wheelsets were lower than the case of the conventional structure.

© 2017 一般社団法人 日本機械学会
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