研究 技術 計画
Online ISSN : 2432-7123
Print ISSN : 0914-7020
小宮 健瀧ノ上 正浩小長谷 明彦
ジャーナル フリー

2022 年 37 巻 3 号 p. 310-324


In an interdisciplinary field of molecular robotics, there have been efforts for ELSI consideration by basic science researchers since its early stage. After reviewing backgrounds that led to these efforts and activities conducted to date, we report on dialogues held after 2020. One is that with some farmers regarding ELSI that could be brought about by molecular robots and another is that at a science museum to co-create the future vision of molecular robots with the public. Findings from the above activities will be utilized in formulation of research guidelines by the research community. How to pass on these findings from the basic science researchers who are not in charge of application to developers in social implementation is a remaining issue. We will continue the above-mentioned activities with the aim of establishing a methodology that will serve as a model case widely applicable to advanced science and technologies.

2022 研究イノベーション学会
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