3次元空間を活用した情報の表現 : 仮想水族館における水槽での情報表示の提案(口頭による研究発表概要)
高橋 里奈若林 尚樹渡辺 大地
会議録・要旨集 フリー

p. 252-253


The purpose of this research is to investigate and propose an expressing method of information making good use of 3-dimensional space. Under the theme of information design on a 3-dimensional space, we treated a virtual aquarium as a subject matter. On this research, we have constructed and investigated an experimental model, by the technology of Real-time 3DCG, which can show both of the information on observer's request and the simulated aquatic creatures and their surrounding environment in the virtual fish tank simultaneously in the 3-dimensional space. It is concluded that showing the information within the observed fish tank is effective in expressing the relation between the objects and information, attribute itself of information or background information. On the other hand, it is necessary to conduct a further investigation on the way of showing information and on the types of information varied according to the aims and conditions of observation.

© 2001 日本デザイン学会
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