Online ISSN : 2188-5338
Print ISSN : 0386-4553
ISSN-L : 0386-4553
児童が野外で興味を示す観察対象について (教員養成特集)
下野 洋恩藤 知典梅埜 國夫三宅 征夫猿田 祐嗣
ジャーナル フリー

1990 年 14 巻 1 号 p. 33-43


This study investigated 6th year primary school student's interest in natural phenomena such as animals, plants, streams and basic geological patterns. A pre-test, which was given to about half of the total students, involved classroom viewing of proposed field site where students wrote their expectation. A series of ten markers defined the field area. Students made their observation within this area. Field work involved 2 stage observation testing. Stage 1: Students were given 30 minutes to write their investigation of natural phenomena. Time was allocated into 6, 5 minutes intervals, at each interval students received a new blank sheet of paper, or a total of 6 observation papers were written by each student. Stage 2: The same students were allowed 30 minutes in the same area and given 2 sheets to write freely on their observations of nature. Post-test: After returning to classrooms, students were told to write the 3 strongest impressions of their field work. Findings; 1. The amount of information collected in the 30 minutes period regarding geological patterns decreased over time while that of plants decreased at the half way period (around 15 minutes interval). Observations of animal types increased with passage of time. 2. A large amount of observations were made along the valley site of the 10 marker area especially where branches, vines or where a stream of water curved and cliff areas are present. 3. The types of information collected in field activities included, that of fish, crab regarding animal, root,leaf, flower regarding plant, water temperature, velocity of current regarding stream, and its dampness, cracks and composition regarding soil structure. 4. In case of free observation in the field, many students of urban schools took an interest plants in the middle of the valley while students of suburban took an interest in the soil structure in the lower valley.

© 1990 一般社団法人日本科学教育学会