Online ISSN : 2188-5338
Print ISSN : 0386-4553
ISSN-L : 0386-4553
大黒 孝文竹中 真希子舟生 日出男山本 智一楠 房子寺野 隆雄稲垣 成哲
ジャーナル フリー

2015 年 39 巻 1 号 p. 32-41


We are developing a learning course with MANGA-Case method teaching material to acquire basic knowledge on experiments and their instruction tactics for elementary teacher candidates. The target experiment is Evaluating a MANGA-Case Method Teaching Material for the Experimental Skills and Understanding of the Experiment Method. The content is electricity basics using a manual electric generator and condenser. We conducted experiments with 57 teacher candidates as subjects, who are affiliated with two national and two private universities. The subjects were required to read the MANGA and then practice the targeted experiment with the manual electric generator. We evaluated the subjects’ learning levels by 1) descriptions of the points of the target experiments and 2) practices with a real generator. We focused on the understanding of experimental procedures and their practical behaviors. From standard statistical analysis, the experiment group with The MANGA was superior or equal to the control group with a conventional text, in the sense of knowledge and practical skills about the target experiment. The results suggest that our learning course with MANGA is effective in university education.

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