2001 年 10 巻 p. 82-91
This research is a case study of teacher-image from the standpoint of discourse analysis, which relies on methodological-relativism. The object of analysis is certain discourses of "DEMOSHIKA-KYOSHI" which were mainly appeared in the mass media in the forms of articles of newspapers, reports, contributions and so on.
The image of "DEMOSHIKA-KYOSHI" was initially called into question by Michio Nagai (1923-2000) who was known as a Minister of Education, Science and Culture from 1974 to 1976. He was an associate professor of education at Kyoto University at that time. Nagai argued the image of "DEMOSHIKA" in his essay for "Chuo Koron" in May, 1957.
What he implied by the image was that the students belonging to faculty of education lacked academic ability and volition. This essay produced many disputes. For example, even though one reviewer agreed to Nagai, he doubted if the image of "DEMOSHIKA" was caused only by a student's personal problem. Furthermore, some pedagogists were against Nagai by saying that such an image was not always problematic. According to this view, the most important thing for being a teacher was having a good character, students who lacked academic ability and volition were thus expected to turn into good teachers as far as they were good in character.
It was significant perspectives which were different from Nagai's essay were shown. Many people thought that "DEMOSHIKA" was the 'real' teacher's problem rather than would-be teacher's, unlike what Nagai initially pointed out. When the discourse of "DEMOSHIKA-KYOSHI" was spreaded and became popular, it came to be related to a certain criticism of actual teachers rather than that of students who would become teachers in the future. That is to say, the image of "DEMOSHIKA" turned into the resource of discourse to criticize teachers.
In short, the image of "DEMOSHIKA-KYOSHI", which has functioned as such a resource of discourse, brought the argument which were different from what Nagai initially pointed out.