The Journal of Toxicological Sciences
Online ISSN : 1880-3989
Print ISSN : 0388-1350
ISSN-L : 0388-1350
Toxic effects of T-2 toxin and deoxynivalenol on the mitochondrial electron transport system of cardiomyocytes in rats
Suchitra NgampongsaMasakazu HanafusaKentaro AndoKoichi ItoMasayoshi KuwaharaYukiko YamamotoMasahiro YamashitaYoshiharu TsuruHirokazu Tsubone
Author information

2013 Volume 38 Issue 3 Pages 495-502


The in vitro effects of 2 representative mycotoxins, T-2 toxin and deoxynivalenol (DON), of trichothecene group on the electron transport system (ETS) of mitochondria in rat cardiomyocytes were investigated by measuring oxygen consumption rates (OCR). The ATP-linked OCR and the reserve capacity (RC) of the mitochondria ETS were quantified by a “mitochondria stress test” which was estimated by the OCR responses to oligomycin and carbonyl cyanide-p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone, with an extracellular flux analyzer. The basal OCR was significantly inhibited by the application of T-2 toxin at concentrations of 6 × 10-1 to 6 × 10-5 μM and DON at concentrations of 0.78 to 100 μM for 24 hr. The threshold of cardiomyocyte toxicity was estimated to be between 6.0 × 10-6 and 6.0 × 10-5μM for T-2 toxicity on both ATP-linked OCR and RC and between 0.39 and 0.78 μM on ATP-linked OCR or between 1.56 and 3.13 μM on RC for DON. The decrease in OCR of cardiomyocytes exposed to T-2 toxin with a concentration of 6.0 × 10-3 and 6.0 × 10-4 μM was significantly inhibited by antioxidants, catalase and vitamin C. In conclusion, the present study demonstrated, through the direct and real-time measurement of respiratory function in mitochondria, that a marked inhibition of mitochondrial ETS function in cardiomyocytes was induced by T-2 toxin and DON and that the mitochondrial dysfunction by T-2 toxin was largely associated with oxidative stress.

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© 2013 The Japanese Society of Toxicology
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