Radiosensitization of mice by dimethylbenzanthracene, diphenylcyclopropenone and aminoanthraquinones was investigated in a model where survival time after lethal radiation was scored. Survival time was shortened by nontoxic doses of the chemicals. The used in vivo system confirmed the radiosensitizing potential of dimethylbenzanthracene reported previously with in vitro studies. Moreover, radiosensitizing properties of diphenylcyclopropenone and aminoanthraquinones could be demonstrated. The sensitizing interaction of these chemicals with radiation adds a new facet to their toxicological spectrum and could, by enhancing radiation effects, influence estimates of risk. On the other hand, diphenylcyclopropenone or aminoanthraquinones deserve consideration as topical sensitizers in conditions where radiation is indicated to treat cutaneous malignancies.