Journal of Veterinary Medical Science
Online ISSN : 1347-7439
Print ISSN : 0916-7250
ISSN-L : 0916-7250
Internal Medicine
Correlation between Ultrasonographic Imaging of the Gallbladder and Gallbladder Content in Eleven Cholecystectomised Dogs and their Prognoses
Takehiro UNOKentarou OKAMOTOThiharu ONAKAKeiiti FUJITAHozumi YAMAMURATakeo SAKAI
Author information

2009 Volume 71 Issue 10 Pages 1295-1300


A comparison was performed between preoperative ultrasonographic and macroscopic findings for gallbladders and their contents in eleven dogs that were found to have any content in the gallbladder and then underwent cholecystectomy. In addition, correlation was considered between prognosis and age, hematologic analysis, serum biochemical analysis and ultrasonographic findings. Ultrasonographic findings of the gallbladder were classified into 3 patterns: 1) hyperechoic content filling the entire gallbladder and precipitated immobile content, 2) a somewhat thinner hypoechoic area in the exterior layer with a less distinctive border adjacent to the internal hyperechoic area than pattern 3 with moth-eaten or mosaic-form hypoechoic portions scattered within the internal hyperechoic area and 3) a thick hypoechoic area in the exterior layer with a distinctive border adjacent to a prominent internal hyperechoic area. The macroscopic findings of the contents mainly consisted of biliary sludge and concentrated bile in pattern 1, a softer mucous mass in pattern 2 and an elastic mucous mass in pattern 3. Pattern 2 seemed to be in the stage before the kiwi fruit-like pattern that characterizes gallbladder mucocele, suggesting disorder of the gallbladder and bile excretion as well as onset of cholangiohepatitis associated with such disorders. In regard to association with prognosis, the mean ages were 11.8 ± 1.5 years in death cases and 8.4 ± 2.8 years in surviving cases, while the total WBC counts were 46,600 ± 11,912 /μL in the death cases and 18,266 ± 9,411 /μL in the surviving cases, showing significant differences (p<0.05) in age and total white blood cell count between the two groups.

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© 2009 by the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science

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