Journal of Veterinary Medical Science
Online ISSN : 1347-7439
Print ISSN : 0916-7250
ISSN-L : 0916-7250
Reproductive performance in dairy cows with cystic ovarian disease after single treatment with buserelin acetate or dinoprost
Silviu Ionut BORȘIulian IBĂNESCUȘteofil CREANGĂAlina BORȘ
キーワード: COD, follicular cyst, GnRH, luteal cyst, PGF
ジャーナル フリー

2018 年 80 巻 7 号 p. 1190-1194


The treatment of cystic ovarian disease (COD) in dairy cows is still controversial, and some researchers recommend using gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) regardless of the type of cysts. The aim of this study was to comparatively evaluate the reproductive performance of cows diagnosed with follicular or luteal cystic structures, after treatment with either buserelin acetate (GnRH agonist) or dinoprost (prostaglandin F2-alpha or PGF). The diagnosis was established by ultrasonographic examinations performed twice a month starting 40–45 days after calving, until the cows were diagnosed pregnant after artificial insemination. Both types of cysts were treated either with 21 µg buserelin acetate or 25 mg dinoprost, resulting in four subject groups. After treatment, the estrus rate in cows with follicular cysts treated with dinoprost (55.1%) was significantly lower (P<0.05) than in cows treated with buserelin acetate (77.5%) or in cows diagnosed with luteal cysts (77.2% for dinoprost and 72.4% for buserelin acetate). The conception rate was higher (P<0.05) in cows with follicular cysts treated with buserelin acetate (67.7%) than in those treated with dinoprost (60%) or in those with luteal cysts (56.9% for dinoprost and 47.5% for buserelin acetate). These results show that it is preferable to differentiate between the two types of ovarian cysts before treatment. Luteal cysts can be treated with either PGF or GnRH analogues, with better results when PGF is used. Contrastingly, follicular cysts are better treated with GnRH analogues. When differentiation is not possible, GnRH analogues are recommended over PGF.

© 2018 by the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science

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