Online ISSN : 1883-8944
Print ISSN : 1884-2399
ISSN-L : 1883-8944
Development of Fluid-Sediment Interaction Model Considering Infiltration/Exfiltration for Long-Term Beach Profile Change and its Application to Gravel Beach
Shin Woong KIMYonghwan CHOTomoaki NAKAMURANorimi MIZUTANI
ジャーナル フリー

2016 年 72 巻 2 号 p. I_679-I_684


 A computational procedure for long-term beach profile change was proposed and incorporated into a three-dimensional coupled fluid-structure-sediment-seabed interaction model (FS3M), and numerical experiments on long-term surface profile change in a gravel beach were conducted using the improved FS3M to examine the sensitivity of the size of numerical cells and model parameters involving sediment transport. From numerical results, it was revealed that the final beach profile was sensitive to the size of the numerical cells, a wave update interval, and a reference height of the friction velocity. From the investigation of the beach profile evolution, it was found that the improved FS3M is expected to be a useful tool in assessing spatiotemporal surface profile change in a gravel beach.

© 2016 by Japan Society of Civil Engineers
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