Online ISSN : 1884-569X
Print ISSN : 0387-5911
ISSN-L : 0387-5911
北本 治小林 宏行高村 光子長浜 文夫安田 真也中村 武仁大橋 亮二下村 寿太郎平賀 洋明加藤 康道斉藤 玲石川 清文富沢 磨須美木下 与四男阿部 守邦氏家 昭松井 克彦清水 昇武部 和夫今村 憲市熊坂 義裕中畑 久佐々木 和夫中村 光男小坂 志朗吉田 秀一郎岡本 勝博川部 汎康村上 誠一宮沢 正吉岡 光明工藤 幹彦成田 祥耕木村 健一高橋 清仁滝島 任荒井 澄夫金沢 知博三浦 一樹安井 昭二高橋 敬治吉田 司高杉 良吉工藤 国夫前田 敏行今野 淳大泉 耕太郎林 泉小林 節雄笛木 隆三本間 誠一勝 正孝奥井 津二安達 正則青柳 昭雄羽金 和彦国井 乙彦深谷 一太池本 秀雄渡辺 一功斉藤 篤嶋田 甚五郎大森 雅久柴 孝也山路 武久井原 裕宣北条 敏夫宮原 正岡安 大仁真下 啓明山岡 澄夫中川 圭一中沢 浩亮木原 令夫鈴木 達夫星原 芳雄島田 馨長岡 滋野口 英世国枝 武文木内 隆太郎松田 美彦朝倉 裕美可部 順三郎谷本 普一中田 紘一郎守永 真一立花 昭生岡野 弘堀江 和夫田島 玄続木 信明山田 泰史田中 元一芳賀 敏彦滝上 正藤森 一平松岡 康夫小林 芳夫武田 元高頭 正長山作 房之輔鈴木 康稔関根 理薄田 芳丸青木 信樹湯浅 保子大山 馨矢野 三郎加藤 弘已鈴木 国功伊藤 和彦真嶋 武泉 清弥梅田 博道野村 靖郎片山 鏡男岩倉 盈末次 勸加藤 年克藤井 皓森瀬 雅典酒井 秀造西脇 敬祐古川 公章丹羽 義置伊藤 隆山本 俊幸加藤 政仁永坂 博彦森 幸三前川 暢夫中西 通泰松原 恒雄岩田 猛邦賀戸 重充塩田 憲三三木 文雄久保 研二大久保 滉岡本 緩子右馬 文彦前原 敬吾上田 良弘下村 惇副島 林造田野 吉彦二木 芳人西本 幸男山木戸 道郎渡辺 隆栗村 統定本 和江佐々木 英夫螺良 英郎滝下 佳寛沢江 義郎岡田 薫長野 準松尾 信一加地 正郎市川 洋一郎矢野 敬文猪口 哲彰宮野 滋城戸 啓光原 耕平中富 昌夫泉川 欣一重野 芳輝鈴山 洋司福井 信堤 恒雄明石 光伸岡 六四籠手田 恒敏渡辺 講一小田 敏郎張 景弘大江 宣春藤岡 利生那須 勝松本 慶蔵宍戸 春美井手 政利木村 久男今岡 誠徳臣 晴比古徳永 勝正福田 安嗣安藤 正幸
ジャーナル フリー

1980 年 54 巻 9 号 p. 471-517


The clinical efficacy and safety of CTX for respiratory infections were objectively studied with CEZ as the control. In principle, 2 g/day of CTX and 4 g/day of CEZ were intravenously dripinfused for 14 days.
1. The rates of effectiveness for all the cases were 69.9% for CTX and 64.5% for CEZ, those for pneumonia were 70.1 % for CTX and 69.9% for CEZ, those for bacterial pneumonia were 75.9% for CTX and 75.4% for CEZ and those for the cases without pneumonia were 69.9% for CTX and 75.4 for CEZ. In the stratified analysis, the rates of effectiveness of CTX were significantly higher than those of CEZ in the cases having no underlying diseases or complications, in all the severe cases and in the cases with pneumonia.
2. The rates of effectiveness evaluated by the investigators were 78.8% for CTX and 72.8% for CEZ when all the cases were considered, 82.2% for CTX and 76.0% for CEZ in pneumonia, 87.9% for CTX and 82.8% for CEZ in bacterial pneumonia and 73.2% for CTX and 66.0% for CEZ in the cases without pneumonia. CTX displayed significantly higher rates of effectiveness than CEZ in all the cases (U-test).
3. CTX had generally higher rates of improvement than CEZ in individual symptoms, clinical findings and laboratory test results. Significant improvements were observed in 6 cases for CTX and in 3 cases for CEZ.
4. As for bacteriological effects, CTX showed a disappearance rate of 50.0% in 2 strains of gram positive bacteria and that of 80.0% in 31 strains of gram-negative bacteria, while the corresponding rates for CEZ were 100% in 3 strains of gram-positive bacteria and 76.7% in gram-negative bacteria. Although replacement of bacteria by Pseudomonas was observed in 2 cases with CEZ, there were no such cases with CTX.
5. The incidence of side effects was 3.5% for CTX and 4.1% for CEZ. Abnormal laboratory results were observed at the rate of 24.9% for CTX and 23.6% for CEZ. Side effects were all mild, including eruption and an increase in the level of transaminase, and there were no significant differences between CTX and CEZ.
6. Compared with CEZ, CTX showed generally superior values in the evaluation of usefulness, but there were no, significant differences between the two.
It may be concluded from these results that 2 g/day of CTX produced effects on respiratory infections which were equal to or better than the effects of CEZ, and that CTX had significantly higher rates of effectiveness than CEZ, especially in severe cases. CTX was relatively free from side effects and is considered to be useful for respiratory infections, especially for severe cases.

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