Online ISSN : 1884-569X
Print ISSN : 0387-5911
ISSN-L : 0387-5911
針治療を契機として発症したToxic Shock-like Syndromeの1例
原田 香奈鈴木 貴博鈴木 厚小花 光夫松岡 康夫入交 昭一郎福田 純也
ジャーナル フリー

1997 年 71 巻 10 号 p. 1066-1070


A 80-year-olkd male was admitted to our hospital because of severe pain and swelling on his left lower leg on January 23, 1996. He had received an acupuncture to both legs because of intermittent claudication once a week from July, 1995 to January 18, 1996. On the next day of the last acupuncture, pain and swelling on his left leg appeared.
On admission, his left leg showed diffuse swelling and redness with blisters. We diagnosed this patient as toxic shock-like syndrome (TSLS), based on the rapid exacerbation of the skin changes, necrotizing superficial fasciitis, multiple organ failure with shock, and the detection of group A streptococcus from culture samples obtained from both skin blister and necrotic fascia. He recovered from the disease by amputation of the involved leg and antibiotic therapy. Acupuncture could have been the cause of streptococcal infection

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