Online ISSN : 1884-569X
Print ISSN : 0387-5911
ISSN-L : 0387-5911
権田 秀雄野田 康信大石 尚史谷川 吉政吉田 憲生吉田 光伸山本 景三水野 裕文西村 豊水藤 秀明
ジャーナル フリー

1997 年 71 巻 7 号 p. 668-671


This report concerns a male patient aged 25 years, diagnosed at the age of 12 years as suffering from chronic granulomatous disease. This patient had p47-phox deficiency. He was admitted to this hospital because of fever and dyspnea accompanied by right spontaneous pneumothorax. He failed to respond to medical treatment. He died from respiratory failure four months after admission. Autopsy demonstrated pigmented lipid histiocytes characteristic of CGD. These characteristic pigmented cells were distributed in the spleen, liver, lymph nodes and in the smal intestine. As for the nature of the pigment, lipofuschin-like compound were identified. Granulomatous component was seen in the mucosa of the stomach obtained by operation.
The presence and characteristic distribution of such pigmented macrophages in tissue in young adults may suggest the diagnosis of CGD.

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