Online ISSN : 1880-8719
Print ISSN : 0368-6833
ISSN-L : 0368-6833
後藤 昌義吉田 穰
ジャーナル フリー

1954 年 8 巻 4 号 p. 85-93


We described in this article 1) the outline of studies on the electrical phenomena of salivary glands, 2) the action potential elicited by stimulating the chorda tympani and the sympathetic nerve, i. e. chorda electrogram and sympathetic electrogram, 3) analysis of the action potential to its components, which were advocated by several authors in different way, 4) the variation of the action potential in its form and size by changing the stimulant factor, 5) the effect of drugs, especially the poisons for automatic nervous system, on the action potential, and finally 6) the relations among the action current, the electrical conductivity and the salivary secretion of the glands. Fig. 1. Fluctuations in secretion, volume-flow of blood and electrical deflection elicited by prolonged chorda stimulation (Gesell). VF : volume-flow of blood, BP : blood pressure, S : secretion, T : time and stimulation, E : electrical deflections. Fig. 2. Action potentials of the submaxillary gland of cat (Langenskiold). a) Chorda electrogram, b) Sympathetic electrogram. P : action potential, S : secretion, N : nerve stimulation. Fig. 3. Analysis of chorda electrogram. P : positive component potential, N : negative one. Fig. 4. The action potential by the combination of chorda and sympathetic stimuli (Langenskiold). a) Sympathetic stimulation during the chorda stimulation and vice versa. b) The effect of chorda stimulation during the off-response of chorda electrogram. c) The similar experiment as above, under the action of Eserine. P : potential change, CS : chorda stimulation, SS : sympathetic stimulation, S : secretion. Fig. 5. a) Relation between the size of off-response in chorda electrogam and the duration of stimuli. b) Variations of chorda electrogram by changing intensity and frequency of stimulation. P, S and CS are the same as in Fig. 4. Number denoted on the left side shows the distance between induction coils and that on the right side the frequency of the induction shocks. Fig. 6. Action current and velocity of secretion in human parotid gland elicited by gustatory stimulation (Iwama and Shinjo). a) normal control, b) under the passage of electrotonic current. P : potential change, S : secretion. Arrows denote the administration of 10 % NaCl (a) and 10 % acetic acid (b). Fig. 7. Changes in secretion, electrical resistance, electrical potential and acidity of the venous blood by chorda stimulation (Bronk and Gesell). S : secretion in drops, ST : stimulation of chorda by 1 volt A. C., E. R. : electrical resistance, E. D. : electrical deflection, T : time in 15 seconds, 1 : occlusion of Wharton's duct, 2 : deocclusion of the duct.

© 1954 九州歯科学会
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