Online ISSN : 2189-9533
Print ISSN : 0287-0479
古典教科書のはじまり : 稲垣千穎編『本朝文範』『和文読本』『読本』
菊野 雅之
ジャーナル フリー

2011 年 69 巻 p. 90-83


This paper clarifies the work process and historical meaning of the "Hontyoubunpan," "Wabundokuhon," and "Dokuhon," edited by Inagaki Tikai, which is a classic textbook of the early modem era. Editor Inagaki Tikai had a background as a Japanese classical scholar. The study of Japanese classical culture, which is an early modem inheritance, supported the formation of the modem classical literature textbook. In other words, if the study of Japanese classical culture was disregarded, the classical-literature textbooks developed during the Meiji age were not edited. However, contrary to the achievements of the classical-literature textbook of Inagaki, he resigned from the Tokyo teachers college at an early stage. The reason was that, having a classical style, he disagreed with the line of Japanese-language-education policy of those days. Even after he retired, the "Wabundokuhon" in particular was used as a textbook over a large area and for a long period of time. His work also influenced other textbooks as a model of a classical-literature. The reappraisal and criticism of the achievements of Inagaki are also a subject very important for current classical education theory.

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