Online ISSN : 2189-4485
Print ISSN : 0386-8982
ISSN-L : 0386-8982
フランス第三共和政期前半における女子中等教育と「家庭教育」 : 週刊誌『ル・プチ・エコー・ド・ラ・モード』の分析を中心に
井岡 瑞日
ジャーナル フリー

2011 年 54 巻 p. 109-121


This article will discuss the image of girl's family education in the first half of the Third Republic as it is associated with the formalization of secondary education. At that time, girl's secondary education was formalized by the Camille See law of 1880, representing a drastic change from the Second Empire when convents held a virtual monopoly over girl's education. Le Petit Echo de la Mode was one of the most popular magazines, providing instruction in bourgeois standards to women of the middle and lower middle classes. The magazine focused primarily on rearing of girls to be the "lady of the house," and argued that education concentrating on moral education and lessons in domestic duties fellunder the stewardship of the mother. Intellectual education was considered to be less important, and even formal schooling was only meant to complement such instruction. Le Petit Echo de la Mode emphasized the mother's central role as their daughter's primary instructor, and had to carry out this responsibility with the strongest will. The magazine set out to address the concerns of its readers who had become mothers at this crucial turning point in girl's secondary education in France. The model adopted by the magazine was 19^<th> century France's urban upper classes who cultivated a matronly ideal of diligent domestic instruction for daughters. A magazine like this was mass-produced and read by many people. Its wide distribution reflects the role that family education assumed in girl's character formation. It also shows that this kind of media diffused the ideal of family education among the lower classes, paralleling the formalization of secondary education and the decline of the clergy. The formalization of girl's secondary education occurred simultaneously with the diffusion of family education.

© 2011 教育史学会
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