Online ISSN : 2185-0941
Print ISSN : 0915-9428
ISSN-L : 0915-9428
小山 敏子薮越 知子
ジャーナル フリー

2011 年 13 巻 p. 79-91


As a result of technological innovations during the last two decades, a new type of electronic dictionary, namely, a handheld electronic dictionary (henceforth E-dictionary) has rapidly replaced a traditional printed dictionary in the Japanese L2 environment. Thus, teaching strategies for making good use of E-dictionary is needed. Koyama (2007; 2010) attempted to clarify how this strategy training has been successful in English reading classes. The results of those studies suggested that while the reading task with dictionary strategy training over eight weeks might positively affect the participants' comprehension of the texts, it did not seem that dictionary strategies and reference skills taught in English reading class had been mastered. Based on these findings, the current study focused on dictionary strategy training using E-dictionary with a small group of eight university students. In order to internalize these strategies they adopted, the participants were asked to pay particular attention to these strategies while using their E-dictionary. Pedagogical suggestions will be made based on the findings.

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