Journal of the Magnetics Society of Japan
Online ISSN : 1882-2932
Print ISSN : 1882-2924
ISSN-L : 1882-2924
Magnetic Recoading
Information Stability in Three-Dimensional Heat-Assisted Magnetic Recording
T. KobayashiY. NakataniY. Fujiwara
ジャーナル オープンアクセス

2020 年 44 巻 2 号 p. 34-39


  The anisotropy constant ratio Ku / Kbulk necessary for information stability in three-dimensional heat-assisted magnetic recording (3D HAMR) of 2 Tbpsi (total density of 4 Tbpsi) is evaluated by employing a bit error rate calculation using grain error probability. The minimum Ku / Kbulk value of a high Curie temperature (HC) layer is limited by the information stability in the HC layer while writing in a low Curie temperature (LC) layer, and a high Ku / Kbulk is necessary for the HC layer. The minimum Ku / Kbulk value of the LC layer is limited by the information stability in the LC layer for 10 years of archiving, and a high Ku / Kbulk is also necessary for the LC layer since the anisotropy constant of the LC layer is intrinsically low at the storage temperature due to its low Curie temperature. At 9 grains/bit, the Ku / Kbulk values required for 3D HAMR are 0.85 and 0.86 for the HC and LC layers, respectively, taking account of certain variations, namely, standard deviations of 2 % for the Curie temperature and 15 % for the grain size.

© 2020 The Magnetics Society of Japan
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