Online ISSN : 1884-7072
Print ISSN : 0559-8362
ISSN-L : 0559-8362
中華人民共和国雲南省西双版納〓 (シーサンパンナ・タイ) 族自治州を事例として
齋藤 潔
ジャーナル フリー

1992 年 40 巻 3 号 p. 1-13


As one of its major themes, geography has focused on regional studies on the basis of the nation-state system, a pro-duct of modern European philosophy. This methodology does not create objects of study at the macro level beyond nations, but tends rather to be pushed into its objects at a fractionalized, institutionalized micro level.
This methodology of geography critically studies the fact that regional disputes throughout the world, problems arising from differences or oppositions regarding the geographic space of power politics symbolized by borders and existential space based on individuals' identity, have never been solved.
Taking the example of the Xi-shang Pan-na Thai A. C. in Yunnan in China, which continues to exist the borders established by power politics, this book attempts to study this problem on the basis of the meaning of existential space in Thai minorities. The objective, physical space which geography studies as its objects are in fact institutional and ideological aspects of reality.
It is concluded that it is necessary for geography to develop a methodology which, while aiming at spatial science, establishes a system whereby various circumstances within the space it studies can be analyzed and described through the process of power politics.

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