Online ISSN : 1349-4333
Print ISSN : 0037-1033
ISSN-L : 0037-1033
前腕骨幹部骨折における回旋安定性 -プレート, ラッシュピン, ファンクショナルブレースの比較-
小野 正彦Joan E. BechtoldRobert L. MerkowRobert E. ShermanRamon B. Gustilo
ジャーナル フリー

1988 年 37 巻 1 号 p. 285-289


Six fresh cadaver forearms have been studied in order to quantify the rotational stability of both bone fractures of the forearm treated with compression plates, fracture bracing, and/or Rush pins. Forearm rotation and fracture site motion (rotation) were measured as a function of both applied forearm torque, and of applied forearm rotation. Values were measured for the intact forearms (a), and for forearms with both bone fractured treated without fixation (b), with fracture bracing (c), with Rush pins (d), with combination of Rush pins and fracture bracing (e) and with compression plating (f).
The brace reduced fracture site motion (rotation) by approximately one half compared with fracture motion without fixation. Rush pins reduced fracture site motion approximately eightfold. A brace in combination with Rush pins did not always further reduce fracture site motion. Both bone fractures treated with compression plates behaved as intact bones. The radius consistently showed more fracture site motion than the ulna.

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