主催: 横断型基幹科学技術研究団体連合
会議名: 第14回横幹連合コンファレンス
回次: 14
開催地: 東京大学工学部三号館(本郷キャンパス)
開催日: 2023/12/16 - 2023/12/17
Many companies are facing a business ‘sustainability crisis’ as a result of accelerating population decline, which has pushed ‘human resource availability’ to the top management priority, replacing the previous concern of ‘demand forecasting’. However, the slow and silent progression of recruitment risks has not been fully recognised, making it difficult to make the right management decisions. This study supports plans to increase corporate sustainability by visualising ‘human resource procurement risk’, which is essential for corporate management decisions, using human capital data. The paper also describes the development of a safety-conscious permission marketing type research model to enable the use of highly confidential ‘human resource data’ necessary for this research.