消化器内視鏡の進歩:Progress of Digestive Endoscopy
Online ISSN : 2189-0021
Print ISSN : 0389-9403
溝上 俊朗糸井 隆夫古川 雅也松林 宏行山田 昌彦水村 泰夫荻原 正示武田 一弥大野 博之真神 易堀部 俊哉新戸 禎哲関 知之斉藤 利彦青木 達哉小柳 泰久
キーワード: 膵上皮内癌, p53
ジャーナル フリー

1998 年 51 巻 p. 222-223


A 72-year-old male, who visited our hospital for diabetes mellitus, was pointed out abnormality on pancreas and admitted to our hospital for further examination. Abdominal US, CT, MRI and EUS showed a cyst 7mm in diameter in the pancreatic body and dilatation of the main pancreatic duct (MPD) in the pancreatic body and tail. ERP showed severe localized stenosis of the MPD in the pancreatic body, with proximal duct dilatation. The result of cytologic examination of the pancreatic juice was class IIIa.
Under the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer, distal pancreatectomy was performed. Histopathological study showed inflammatory cells and marked fibrosis but no tumor tissues around the stenotic part of the MPD. And it showed carcinoma in situ approximately 5mm in size mainly presented in the branch of the pancreatic duct and partially in the MPD in the distal portion. p53 staining showed diffusely positive pattern in the carcinoma.

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© 1998 一般社団法人 日本消化器内視鏡学会 関東支部
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