消化器内視鏡の進歩:Progress of Digestive Endoscopy
Online ISSN : 2189-0021
Print ISSN : 0389-9403
Helicobacter pylori除菌療法後再燃が強く疑われた胃MALTリンパ腫の長期観察例
石井 直樹永尾 重昭渡部 義則永松 秀康福元 俊孝南 明宏岡田 千津子畠中 賢司青野 茂昭岩井 淳浩川口 淳伊藤 和郎三浦 総一郎
キーワード: 胃MALTリンパ腫, H. pylori
ジャーナル フリー

1998 年 52 巻 p. 118-119


In 1989, a 48-year-old male underwent an endoscopic examination revealing an irregular-shaped depression with both an erosion and an easy-bleeding at the anterior wall of the gastric angle, which was pathologically diagnosed no malignant cell.
In October 1994, based on the diagnosis of Hp positive MALT lymphoma, the eradication was succeeded by both 1500mg amoxicillin (AMPC) and 40mg omeplazole (OPZ) daily for 14 days. The endoscopic findings were improved and no lymphoma cell was found pathologically. In May 1996, 13C-urease breath test (UBT) showed Hp-positive and endoscopic findings showed the relapse of the disease. In July 1996, the re-eradication was successfully done with 400mg of clarythromycin daily added to those 2 drugs for 14 days.
A few cases of MALT lymphoma were reported which were relapsed and re-eradicated after having been initially eradicated for Hp. In our case, the re-eradication was effective because it had brought the remission of the disease endoscopically, pathologically, and by 13C-UBT results. It is necessary to establish the measures of the regimen for relapsing MALT lymphoma after the initial eradication for Hp.

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© 1998 一般社団法人 日本消化器内視鏡学会 関東支部
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