Online ISSN : 1880-408X
Print ISSN : 0385-0110
ISSN-L : 0385-0110
横山 邦生藤本 完次国本 竝功下村 弘明山岡 昭
ジャーナル フリー

1976 年 18 巻 3 号 p. 362-378


In vitro study was made of sealing effects of periodontal dressing materials consisting of a eugenol group (Surgical pack [SHOWA], Neodyne pack, Periodontal pack) and a eugenolless group (Cello pack, Peripac, COE-pak).
Glass tubes containing experimental materials were put in methylene blue solution (1.0%) at a definite temperature.
The results obtained were as follows:
1. COE-pak showed good results in methylene blue solution test, followed by Cello pack and Surgical pack, Neodyne pack, Periodontal pack, Peripac in descending order.
2. COE-pak showed good results in sealing ability against water, followed by Cello pack, Surgical pack, Neodyne pack, Periodontal pack and Peripac in descending order.
3. COE-pak showed good results, but not Peripac.
4. Sixty minutes after methylene blue penetration test, Periodontal pack showed good results.
5. All in five cases of Periodontal pack and two cases of COE-pak showed a tendency to expansion.
6. Eugenolless group (Cello pack, COE-pak) was generally showed a better sealing ability than by a eugenol group.

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