Online ISSN : 2436-8032
Print ISSN : 1340-4393
金 貞孝
ジャーナル フリー

2006 年 12 巻 1 号 p. 1-11


Today, sport is considered one of the most important keyword that can explain social phenomenon, and has done enormous research centering on that. But, a clear definition of sport is not found yet. In order to clarify dynamic feature of sports as a culture, it must be understood the diachronic and synchronic aspects of that simultaneously.

The purpose of this paper is to make clear how the modern sports of Japan adjusted a new culture which got entangle in traditional corporal culture, not to focus a certain sport item, but to aim at a person who lived the whirlpool of modernization. When the Japanese modernization regard as cultural collision, there was no other modern writer reacts acutely to it as much as Souseki Natsume. “nervous breakdown" bothered him as long as he lived is a crack of the mind that caused by trouble of the western civilization, and most of Souseki's works describe the opposition to the harmful influence and the absurdity which modernization makes expose. Especially, he took big interest to the body culture that changing suddenly at that time. For example, he does poignant civilization criticism to “military gymnastics" and the baseball in his work. As well as the harmful influence of “military gymnastics", reveals the very attack feature that baseball has, he points out the distortion of the movement culture which modernization brings sharply. Especially, his thought has connected with “culture movement" which obtained support widely with pointing out the harmful of school sports on several aspects.

After all, through the sports in one of the modern writer, cultural aspects of sport which being linked with times, and iterates transfiguration is embossed clearly, as the novel does.

© 2006 身体運動文化学会