Online ISSN : 2433-0132
Print ISSN : 0447-5941
ジャーナル フリー

1958 年 4 巻 1-2 号 p. 5-7


Under consideration of the high production cost for milk in Japan (around \5,000 per koku) and the present producer price (\5,000 or less per koku) it appears necessary to find out possibilities to lower the production cost of milk in order to secure an adequate profit for the milk producing farmer. Over 2/3 of the production cost are occupied by the expenses for fodder, of which more than 60% have to be spent for purchased fodder, while the share of expenses for self supplied fodder is less than 40%. It would be desirable to lower the fodder cost by decreasing the expenses for purchased fodder through incleased production of self-supplied fodder. According to Matsuoka and Saito the necessary annual fodder for 1 milk cow could be produced on a fodder crop area of 1.5-2 tan. Under consideration of German standards for animal nutrition and of the climatic conditions of West and Japan it should be possible to keep 1 milk cow with 25 koku milk production per year on a fodder croparea of 1.5-2 tan, provided proper management and adequate supply of fertilizer elements to the fodder plants, the requirements of available plant nutrients for 3 crops per year amounting to about 10 kan N, 4.5 kan P205 and 15 kan K20 per tan.

© 1958 日本草地学会
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