主催: 公益社団法人精密工学会
会議名: 2024年度精密工学会春季大会
開催地: 東京大学
開催日: 2024/03/12 - 2024/03/14
p. 88-89
In order to further improve finishing efficiency and precision, we propose a dual-pole composite magnetic field magnetic abrasive finishing process. This process places a magnetic pole above and below the workpiece, and the magnetic field above or below can be changed by changing the current supplied to the coil. When the magnetic field is periodically changed, the magnetic cluster will periodically fluctuate accordingly, so that the magnetic cluster can be periodically restored to its original state. In addition, when finishing complex surfaces, by adjusting the distance between the upper magnetic pole and the lower magnetic pole from the workpiece, the problem of reduced finishing force when the distance between the surface and the magnetic pole varies can be reduced. In this study, the magnetic field distribution in the finishing area was measured, and the influence of different magnetic fields on finishing characteristics was studied. As a result, the finishing area of this process obtained a relatively uniform magnetic field. In addition, higher finishing efficiency is achieved when alternating magnetic fields are used on the upper and lower magnetic poles.