セッションID: 3P1-001
*藤原 祥子島本 史夫加藤 益美中西 吉彦中張 隆司
会議録・要旨集 フリー


Ca2+-regulated exocytosis is enhanced by the PGE2/cAMP pathway in antral mucous cells of guinea pigs. The inhibition of the PGE2/cAMP pathway by a PKA inhibitor (H-89) or aspirin (ASA) decreased the frequency of ACh-stimulated exocytotic events by 60%. Indomethacin (IDM), however, decreased the ACh-stimulated exocytotic events only by 30%. Moreover, IDM increased the ACh-stimulated exocytotic events by 50% in H-89-treated or ASA-treated cells. IDM inhibits the synthesis of PGG/H and 15R-HPETE, while ASA inhibits only PGG/H synthesis. Thus, IDM accumulates arachidonic acid (AA). AACOCF3 or ACA (PLA2 inhibitors), which inhibits AA synthesis, decreased the ACh-stimulated exocytotic events by 60%. IDM, however, did not increase the frequency in AACOCF3-treated cells. AA increased the frequency of ACh-stimulated exocytotic events in AACOCF3- or ASA-treated cells, similar to IDM in ASA-treated cells. Moreover, in the presence of AA, IDM did not further increase the ACh-stimulated exocytotic events in ASA-treated cells. The PGE2 release from antral mucosa indicates that inhibition of PLA2 by ACA decreases AA accumulation in unstimulated and ACh-stimulated antral mucosa. The dose-response study of AA and IDM demonstrated that the concentration of intracellular AA accumulated by IDM is less than 100 nM. In conclusion, IDM modulates ACh-stimulated exocytosis via AA accumulation in antral mucous cells. [J Physiol Sci. 2006;56 Suppl:S108]

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