Reviews in Agricultural Science
Online ISSN : 2187-090X
Reproductive Physiology and Advanced Technologies in Sheep Reproduction
Israa L. AL-JaryanTahreer M. AL-ThuwainiLayth H. MerzahAhmed H. Alkhammas
ジャーナル フリー HTML

2023 年 11 巻 p. 171-180


Reproductive efficiency is a crucial factor in the economic viability of small ruminant exploitation. In spite of this, few producers utilize the available reproductive technologies related to hormonal interaction, which are vital for the economic sustainability of their operations. Therefore, this review aimed to investigate the potential effects of reproductive alterations and hormone interactions during pregnancy and lactation and to determine advanced technologies for sheep reproduction. In the modern era, breeding techniques, nutrition, reproduction, and management techniques are used to produce more and better quality livestock. A combination of estrous synchronization and genetic improvements for small ruminants is needed to increase reproduction efficiency, productivity, and quality. A proper match between sheep breeds and nutritional and production environments will allow animals to express their genetic potential for enhanced production. In sheep, little information is available regarding the reproductive physiology during pregnancy and lactation. The availability of such information would enhance sheep production and reduce economic losses through improved dam performance and lamb survival. Understanding ewe reproductive physiology during pregnancy and lactation is essential for flock managers to determine their reproductive potential. Using advanced reproductive technologies could enhance the productivity of sheep, which are the most abundant ruminant livestock species.

© 2023 The Uniited Graduate Schools of Agricultural Sciences, Japan
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