Resources Data Journal
Online ISSN : 2758-1438
Transforming entrepreneurship education in the age of artificial intelligence
Qing MuYanyan Zhao
Author information

2024 Volume 3 Pages 2-20


This article explores the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on entrepreneurship education in colleges and universities, as well as the strategies adopted by higher education institutions. The rapid development of AI technology has influenced societal structures, particularly impacting traditional industries while giving rise to emerging sectors. Entrepreneurship education in higher education needs to focus on integrating core AI concepts, providing practical projects and internship opportunities, fostering interdisciplinary collaboration, and designing industry-oriented curricula. The article delves into various aspects, including ethical education, cultivating innovative thinking, and continuously updating curricula. Higher education institutions actively drive the transformation of entrepreneurship education by collaborating with industries, establishing incubators and mentorship programs, and participating in the integration of academia and industry. This comprehensive approach aims to equip students with a better understanding and application of AI technology, emphasizing the enhancement of practical skills, and highlighting the development of holistic capabilities, ethical perspectives, and a sense of social responsibility. The transformation seeks to prepare graduates to thrive in the entrepreneurial landscape of the AI era, becoming a new generation of entrepreneurs with innovative abilities, interdisciplinary competencies, and a strong sense of social responsibility.

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