Online ISSN : 1880-4683
Print ISSN : 0914-5508
ISSN-L : 0914-5508
特集 治療困難な脳卒中に対する挑戦
佐野 公俊加藤 庸子井水 秀栄神野 哲夫
ジャーナル フリー

2002 年 30 巻 6 号 p. 429-433


Partially thrombosed giant aneurysms are one of the most difficult diseases in neurosurgery. We have had 33 of these cases: 6 in the vertebral artery, 5 in the basilar artery, 8 in the internal carotid artery, 11 in the middle cerebral artery and 3 in the anterior communicating artery. Twenty-three aneurysms were clipped, 2 were removed with anastomosis, the parent artery was clipped in 1 case, 2 cases were treated interventionally and 5 cases were treated conservatively because of serpentine and fusiform types of aneurysms in the internal carotid artery bifurcation, basilar artery or vertebral artery. These conservatively treated patients died due to infarction. When surgery is selected in thrombosed giant aneurysms, an appropriate approach is crucial to secure the neck. Three-dimensional computed tomography angiography was useful to plan the surgical strategy. If the neck is big enough for placement of a clip, arterial reconstruction is the treatment of choice. The reconstruction must include an adequate size of the artery because of the thick wall. If the aneurysm neck is too small to reconstruct, aneurysmectomy with anastomosis is one choice.

© 2002 一般社団法人 日本脳卒中の外科学会
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