石油学会 年会・秋季大会講演要旨集
37th Petroleum-Petrochemical Symposium of the Jpn. Petrol. Inst. (Sapporo)
セッションID: 1E01

Promoting effect of the addition of citric acid on Co-MoS2/β-Al2O3 catalysts for the HDS of thiophene
*Rinaldi NinoUsmanKhalida Al-Dalama久保田 岳志岡本 康昭
会議録・要旨集 フリー


The effect of the addition of citric acid was investigated for a series of Co-MoS2/β-Al2O3 catalysts containing various amounts of boron (0-4.7 wt.%) prepared by a CVD technique using Co(CO)3NO as a precursor of Co. The catalysts were characterized by means of NO Adsorption and Raman Spectroscopy. The HDS activity of the catalyst was significantly increased by the addition of citric acid and remain constant at a higher boron content (>0.9 wt.%). However, effect of citric acid addition did not change the TOF on the Co-Mo-S phase. It seems that, the addition of citric acid only increase the dispersion of Mo oxides on the support. Moreover, it was found that a post-treatment of calcined Co-Mo/β-Al2O3 greatly increase the HDS activity of the catalyst, accompanying the increase of the acidity.

© 2007 The Japan Petroleum Institute
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