空気調和・衛生工学会大会 学術講演論文集
Online ISSN : 2424-2179
Print ISSN : 1880-3806
ISSN-L : 1880-3806
セッションID: F-43
F-43 ビル空調系統のにおいと微生物に関する調査研究 : (その2)コイルの使用年数と真菌量
高塚 威稲毛 亮太神戸 正純
会議録・要旨集 フリー


We investigated about the microbial concentrations of both the drain and the coil surfaces in the FCU for the building air-conditioning system. In this study, it was, considered that the microbial concentrations of the coil surface were a good index for the length tendency of the period using the FCU. The bacterial concentrations in drain water were same tendency, too. The coil surface of the smelling FCU had the higher microbial concentrations than the non-smelling FCU. In the case that the fungus concentrations of the coil surface between the smelling FCU and the non-smelling FCU were same level, the fungus concentrations of the drain water in the smelling FCU was high, and over 1,000 CFU/ml. The fungi, such as Cryptococcus albidus, Penicillium lilactinum, Sporobolomyces salmonicolor and Rhodotorula mucilaginasa in the FCU, were isolated. As one of causes of the smell, it was indicated that the fungi increased in the drain water of the FCU.

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