Online ISSN : 1883-7611
Print ISSN : 1348-5253
ISSN-L : 1348-5253
林 照子
ジャーナル フリー

2016 年 14 巻 1 号 p. 29-40


For school nurse teachers as key persons, this study examined several factors to elucidate the relation between psycho-educational services necessary for team support and dynamic assessment of those services. A questionnaire survey was administered to 1,350 randomly selected public elementary schools, junior high schools, and high schools. Based on Feuerstein (1979), items related to support attitudes (mediated learning experience; MLE) and dynamic assessment were collected and selected for questionnaire items such as belief for psychological support, burnout, coordination behavior assessment, workplace culture perception, and team cooperation. As a result, the collection rate was 35.9 % (484), yielding 382 valid responses. The results were subjected to factor analysis, correlation analysis, and then path analysis. Psycho-educational services for school nurse teachers showed positive correlation between dynamic assessment as the subscale of children's cognitive development and that of mediating support attitude ("transcendence" (r = .505, p ‹ .01) and "intentionality" (r = .429, p ‹ .01)). Every subscale of coordination activity showed significantly positive correlation (r = .318 to .43, p ‹ .01). Also, in the structure equation, "cooperation" of the workplace atmosphere had a positive path to "team cooperation," and "intentionality" as the subscale of school nurse teachers's support attitude to dynamic assessment. In turn, "dynamic assessment" had a positive path to "cooperation with professions outside school" as the subscale of coordination activity. The results presented above elucidated the relation between school nurse teachers' psycho-educational services and dynamic assessment. Furthermore, results suggest that, in the structure, the intentionality of mediating support attitudes as a factor for team cooperation supports the viewpoint of dynamic assessment and affects cooperation with professions outside the school.

© 2016 人間環境学研究会

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