Online ISSN : 1883-7611
Print ISSN : 1348-5253
ISSN-L : 1348-5253
  • 石内 鉄平
    2024 年 22 巻 1 号 p. 3-10
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/06/20
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    地球規模で起こる環境問題の一つとして、オゾン層が減少することによる有害な紫外線の増加、それに伴う皮膚ガンや白内障の増加といった生態系への影響が懸念されている。世界保健機構(WHO)でも前述の問題は危険視されており、日本では環境省⁾や国立環境研究所のほか、気象庁が紫外線に対する取組みを行っている。特に、気象庁では2005年5月以降、UVインデックス指標を用いた紫外線予測分布図を作成してインターネットによる情報提供を開始したが、提供されている紫外線予測分布図は約20 km四方の大雑把なメッシュによる表示であり、ローカルな地域に着目した場合、その地域における詳細な紫外線量は十分に把握できていないのが現状である。そこで本研究では、土地被覆ごとの紫外線反射率を計測するとともに、樹木や構造物といった直射日光を遮る空間構成要素を加味した地上到達紫外線量の割合を算出する式を提案した。加えて、この算出式と高分解能衛星画像を併用することで、気象庁が提供する紫外線予測分布図と比較してより詳細な地上到達紫外線マップの作成方法を提案した。また、地域住民を対象としたアンケート調査を実施した結果、回答者の約8割が紫外線に関心を持っていることがわかった。さらに、回答者の約6割は本研究で作成された詳細な紫外線マップを評価しており、普段の行動パタンを変えるために最も利用される可能性を見出した。
  • 吉武 将司, 佐藤 香緒里, 酒野 直樹, 町野 圭亮, 服部 葵, 木林 勉
    2024 年 22 巻 1 号 p. 11-15
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/06/20
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
  • 作業療法介入に向けた予備的研究
    岩崎 也生子, 近藤 知子
    2024 年 22 巻 1 号 p. 17-22
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/06/20
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    家事は、人が生活し、家庭を維持して行く上で不可欠であり、地域での自立や、役割の獲得・維持において重要であると認識されてきた。家事の形態や、家事に対する価値観は、時代と共に変化するとされ、今日では、女性の就業率の増加、世帯の高齢化、単身世帯の増加、テクノロジーの変化などにより、家事の担い手や家事の量が著しく変化している。家事の不平等感は、うつなどの精神的問題を生じると言われているものの、家事の実態が十分に明らかにされているわけではない。そこで本研究では、家事の中でも、食事の準備、掃除、洗濯、買い物等の9つの作業の作業に焦点を当て、これらの作業の工程を細分化し実施個数を算出した。その上で、実施者と実施の際の負担感について調べ、ライフステージ、家事量の男女差、妻の就労状況、生活満足度、負担感との関連を明らかにした。対象は、地域在住の健常者、120世帯に対して自記式質問紙調査を実施した。結果、57世帯、179名より回答が得られた。平均世帯人数は3.2人、平均年齢は36.8歳であった。各世帯の平均家事個数は78±14.53個、女性が多い事が確認された。生活満足度は、家事時間や家事量(個数)や家事への興味・重要度との相関はなく、役割分担の満足度との相関がみられた(r = 0.353)。家事全体の負担感は、興味との逆相関(r = –0.331–0.497)がみられた。本研究では、家事を「見える化」した上で、実施個数を家事量として定量的に調査した。全体の家事量はライフステージ間で差はないが、負担感は高齢世帯で増加しており、この世帯への介入が求められる。性差では、妻の就業状況により夫との家事分担が進んでいるものの、全体的には女性の家事量が3倍近くあった。役割分担と生活満足度に相関がみられた事から、家事の負荷量の調整や、家族間での協業を視野に入れた介入が求められる可能性がある。
  • 自転車施錠行動に焦点をあてた社会実験
    谷口 友梨, 浅野 綾花, 太田 利歩, 内片 玲, 川﨑 杏, 河原﨑 柚名, 渡部 結, 有川 洋平, 室谷 真喜雄
    2024 年 22 巻 1 号 p. 23-29
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/06/20
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    This study aimed to examine how information of crime occurrence, arousal of social norms, and evoking a feeling of regret promote crime prevention behavior. We tested whether providing three different types of information to encourage locking behavior in commercial bicycle parking lots would increase the security behavior of the parking lot users. We placed three different signs in the bicycle parking area for approximately two months and assessed the percentage of parked bicycles locked. The results indicated that when the information of crime occurrence and a message arousing social norms were placed in bicycle parking lots, the users' behavior of locking their bicycles increased. However, users’ bicycle locking behavior did not increase when information of crime occurrence and a message evoking feelings of regret were presented together. Furthermore, attempts to arouse social norms by presenting parking lot users with eyespots did not improve their security behavior. Thus, the results suggested that the combination of messages presented is important in promoting crime prevention behavior. Presenting information of crime occurrence and descriptive norms that people around them are locking their bicycles, enabled parking lot users to recognize the need for locking behavior, which, in turn, promotes crime prevention behavior.
  • 藤田 正, 林 龍平, 﨑濱 秀行
    2024 年 22 巻 1 号 p. 31-35
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/06/20
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    This study aimed to examine the relationships between the beliefs about how to learn or acquire teaching skills (beliefs about learning of teaching) and beliefs about effective teaching of teaching students. In total, 151 undergraduate students taking a professional teaching course participated. They answered two kinds of questionnaires: beliefs about learning of teaching and about effective teaching. Results showed three significant positive correlations between the necessity of learning teaching methods at university and active student participation during class, between how to learn teaching and active student participation during class, and between necessity of learning teaching methods at university and teachers’ competence in teaching and learning. The findings suggest that students who believe it was necessary to learn how to teach at university also believed in the importance of active student participation during class. The study also suggests that some students made much of learning teaching at university and acquiring competence in teaching and learning for effective teaching.
  • 上田・山形(2023)のデータを用いた探索的検討
    上田 皐介, 山形 伸二
    2024 年 22 巻 1 号 p. 37-42
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/06/20
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    Ueda and Yamagata (2023) demonstrated that when participants were asked to recall personal episodes for writing self-introductions aimed at giving either an extraverted or an introverted impression to others, their levels of extraversion or introversion changed in accordance with their self-presentation. This study explored whether traits not targeted for impressing others (i.e., the Big Five personality traits other than extraversion) also changed. A secondary analysis of their data (N = 422) revealed that in the extraversion condition, all traits exhibited changes toward more socially desirable directions, whereas in the introversion condition, only agreeableness and conscientiousness did so. The magnitude of change across the traits was correlated, suggesting the existence of a shared mechanism. These results suggest that recalling episodes for self-presentation may lead to broader personality changes, including in traits not explicitly targeted. We proposed several mechanisms that could explain the observed changes.
  • 和文誌における傾向と課題
    浅井 まりほ
    2024 年 22 巻 1 号 p. 43-52
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/06/20
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    Discourse analysis has played an important role in environmental policy studies. This paper implemented a systematic literature review to identify developments and issues in the discourse analysis of environmental policy studies in Japanese journals. It used an analytical framework composed of “types of environmental problems and major discourses,” “theoretical trends of discourses,” “discursive effects,” and “structure/agency influencing discourses,” which have been derived from international review articles on discourse analysis of environmental policy studies. As a result, this paper identified these four points: (1) the most common discourse studies have been applied to the study of environmental issues arising domestically, (2) the definition of discourse is unclear with few studies using internationally mainstream discourse theories, (3) there is little analysis of discursive effects on policies, institutions and movements (compared to cognitive effects), (4) few studies focusing on social structures and agency (compared to linguistic structures). Based on these results, the paper identified two issues for the development of future environmental policy research: (1) clarifying the definitions and theoretical positions of discourses and (2) increasing the number of analyses using primary data.
  • 青年期の母娘関係が与える影響
    鈴木 優喜子, 岩崎 志野, 河内 結子, 縄野 咲, 本田 琴音, 望月 秀樹
    2024 年 22 巻 1 号 p. 53-60
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/06/20
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    本研究の目的は、青年期の母娘関係に焦点を当て、娘が将来母親を介護しようとする意識の高さと、母娘関係との関連について質問紙調査を通して明らかにすることとした。対象は青年期女性91名とし、集団調査を実施して(有効回答率72.2 %)、介護意識と母娘関係との関係を検討した。将来母親を介護しようとする意識があると回答した者は全体の約8割を占めていた。parent-child relationship scaleの81項目を因子分析した結果、「子が親から信頼・承認されている関係」「親が子と手を切る関係」「親が子を危険から守る関係」の3因子構造を仮定したモデルで妥当な適合度が認められた。「親が子と手を切る関係」因子と介護意識との間で有意差がみられ、高群に比べて低群の介護意識の得点が高かった。青年期女性の多くが母親に対して積極的に介護しようとする意識をもっていた。介護意識には、青年期の娘からみた母親との関係が関連しており、親が子を突き放した関係であると感じている娘は、母親を介護しようとする意識が低いことが明らかとなった。
  • 津田 恭充, 髙沢 佳司
    2024 年 22 巻 1 号 p. 61-68
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/06/20
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
  • 陳 揚, 北神 慎司
    2024 年 22 巻 1 号 p. 69-74
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/06/20
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    The memory to which information is conveyed is referred to as destination memory, whereas the memory of the person who provided the information is called source memory. A previous study demonstrated that destination memory exhibits lower recognition performance than source memory. However, the source memory task may not be an appropriate counterpart for the destination memory task, potentially leading to increased difficulty. Therefore, replicating the finding that destination memory is more fallible than source memory using the same paradigm as in the previous study may not be feasible. Three experiments were conducted to test this hypothesis. Experiments 1 and 2 adopted the same paradigm as in the previous study. In Experiment 3, the source memory task was modified to serve as a counterpart for the destination memory task. As predicted, only Experiment 3 replicated the finding that destination memory performed worse than source memory. This study underscores a potential flaw in the paradigm utilized by the previous study and proposes an alternative paradigm with greater replicability.
  • 髙橋 彩弥佳, 北神 慎司
    2024 年 22 巻 1 号 p. 75-80
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/06/20
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    This study aimed to determine whether personality traits such as suspicion and empathy affect deception detection ability. We conducted an experiment based on the following two hypotheses: “People who are highly suspicious are likely better able to detect lies than those who are less suspicious” and “People who are highly empathetic are likely better able to detect lies than those who are less empathetic.” The 129 participants were shown videos of their turns to draw cards in the Old Lady card game. In the video, a woman randomly responded “yes” or “no” to the question, “Is this the Joker?” They had to answer whether they were “lying” or “not lying.” Thereafter, participants responded to a questionnaire measuring their suspicions and empathy (two factors: other-oriented reactions and perspective-taking). Multiple regression analysis revealed that, contrary to our hypothesis, personality traits such as suspicion and empathy do not affect deception detection ability. The reason that no significant results were obtained may be the need for an improved experimental method, such as the content and length of the false detection task used in the experiment.
  • 清水 佑輔, 工藤 泰幸, 福山 秀平, 唐沢 かおり
    2024 年 22 巻 1 号 p. 81-90
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/06/20
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    Assessing whether people are living comfortably and happily is in great demand not only in psychology, but also in such diverse fields as policy making and urban development. In response to this demand, many psychological studies have used a questionnaire method in which participants are presented with several questionnaire items and asked to answer them. In recent years, however, there are so many scales that measure the degree of people’s subjective well-being. To clarify which academic disciplines address these scales and to obtain suggestions for future use of the scales, this study conducted a review of scales measuring people’s subjective well-being and proximity concepts. We conducted a literature review using the Google Scholar and CiNii Research databases. After screening, we found 70 publications that were eligible for the review in this study. The specific constructs addressed by these publications were: 10 reporting on subjective well-being, 12 reporting on happiness, 10 reporting on satisfaction, 10 reporting on quality of life, 7 reporting on purpose in life, 11 reporting on emotions and moods, and 10 reporting on self-esteem. These were examined in a wide range of academic disciplines, not just in psychology. None of the 7 scales measuring purpose in life were translated from English, but rather the items were developed based on research with Japanese participants. Given the varying scales for subjective well-being and proximity concepts, the need for a new scale in this area should be thoroughly considered once again when conducting a survey. If a new scale is not highly needed, it is important to use representative scales that have been frequently used in previous studies. Our findings are significant for the appropriate use of scales on subjective well-being and proximity concepts by psychological researchers and for their proper advice to researchers in other fields.