2022 年 20 巻 2 号 p. 97-101
The paper-version D-CAT (digit cancellation test) was developed in 2001 and distributed widely. Pap. D-CAT was developed to provide a highly practical and user-friendly assessment of various aspects of prefrontal cortex functioning, including information processing speed, the ability to focus attention, and executive functioning. As part of the attempt to develop a digital-based D-CAT, in addition to the paper-based, an attempt was made to examine the reliability of the prototype (Dig. D-CAT) by comparing it with paper-based D-CAT. The reliabilities of Pap. D-CAT and Dig. D-CAT were evaluated using a test-retest paradigm. The reliability coefficient was lower for Dig. D-CAT than for Pap. D-CAT. The reliability coefficient for Pap. D-CAT was sufficiently high, and that for Dig. D-CAT had a reasonable level of correlation. The musculoskeletal load of stylus pressure control on the tablet screen may be the cause of the difference, and further verification is necessary.